Our journey started on friday night and arrived at our kg around 7.30. Siap berenti beli breakfast. sampai umah, mata dah tak larat, sambung tidur.
Bgn dari tidur, rileks2, cam biasa terus pi umah kakak. ckp ngan ayah pi KB htr sepupu yg tumpang kitorg balik skali. Dok lepak sampai lah mlm kononnya waiting for my sister's avanza sbb tak muat nak naik only one car. tp abg ipar yg bawak kete dia pi service, balik lmbt...end up, adik laki yg pi htr sepupu then kitaorg lepak umah kakak sampai ke tgh mlm.
mcm2 sbnrnya berlaku...aku harap sgt dan selalu berdoa agar konflik antara kitorg ngan ayah akan berkurangan..tp rsnya cam xder perubahan walaupun aku nmpk in our stepmother side tu ada perubahan. for me as long as dia nmpk berubah, its ok..and as long as dia tak buat perangai in front of me, its ok. tp for my sisters and brothers, so far, they still cant accept it especially about our father. tak reti nak nasihat depa sbb kalau aku nasihatkan ke arah kebaikan, they said I ni dah berpihak pada our parent side. but for me, whoever he is, what ever he has done, he still my father. the person who sacrifice his life to make sure his kids got good educations. without him, I'm not who I'm right now. if he done something bad, its our responsiblity to tell him, to advice him. sbb tu spjg kt kg ari tu, apa yg aku rs apa yg ayah aku buat tu salah, yes, aku agree with them. but apa yg aku rs apa yg dia buat tu betul sbg seorg ayah, i just shut my mouth. sbb kalau bersuara, macam2 plak telahan derang.. so tak nak conflict lain timbul, baik diam and then let them think. Sbb masing2 dh besar and knows the better and worst.
Apa2 pun, I just hope and pray that something good happen in our family and we reunite as one happy family. And really hope that our father will realize that not everything he has done are right and he will stop saying bad about his children again. And I also hope that my siblings will accept our father and stepmother with open arms as long as our parents try hard to change.
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