Finally, abis gak baca this novel. Dlm masa sama gak, layan dia nyer movie.

Citer ni based on novel, best sbb dia gambarkan how Holly teruskan her life based on surat2 Gerry. That's why Daniel bising2 kat dia, what she will do when no more letters from Gerry since last letter from Gerry is December's letter. But, yes, mula tu dia teruskan hidup dia based on what Gerry told her in his letter, but in epilogue, says that she already move on with her life.
The most part yg I like is her friends. How I wish that I have those friends who always be there for you, and cry with you..Hmmm...
One more thing, bestnya kalau ada soulmate cam ni. Love each other till the end. Hopefully one day I will find one. Like Holly said:
Movie pun ok gak. Cuma beza dia byk gak ler banding novel. Pasal mak dia, pasal Daniel, pasal Charlie, pasal family Holly, byk la...
It's sad love story.....
So skrg ni nak baca Twilight plak. Dlm proses nak tgk citer dia dulu. Best sikit time baca imagine the characters..I love Robert P..hensemm...hehehe
The most part yg I like is her friends. How I wish that I have those friends who always be there for you, and cry with you..Hmmm...
One more thing, bestnya kalau ada soulmate cam ni. Love each other till the end. Hopefully one day I will find one. Like Holly said:
Finding someone you love and who loves you back is a wonderfull wonderful feeling. But finding a true soul mate is an even better feeling. A soul mate is someone who understands you like no other, loves you like no other, will be there for you for ever, no matter what. They say that nothing lasts for ever, but I am a firm believer in the fact that for some, love lives on even after they're gone.
Movie pun ok gak. Cuma beza dia byk gak ler banding novel. Pasal mak dia, pasal Daniel, pasal Charlie, pasal family Holly, byk la...
It's sad love story.....
So skrg ni nak baca Twilight plak. Dlm proses nak tgk citer dia dulu. Best sikit time baca imagine the characters..I love Robert P..hensemm...hehehe
plug,i read and watched this movie..it highly motivated me..such a sad,sad love story... :(
yup...ada benda yg kita leh ambik utk motivate diri kita...
pssst..lama tak dgr citer? blog pun cam tak terupdate jer
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