Mmg minat GA since tgk the first episode first season. The main reason I like this drama is because they are doctors. Masa dulu mmg teringin nak jadi Dr but because of I ni lazy dlm bab membaca buku, terutama heavy things dan jugak sbb takut tgk darah byk2, so terpaksa lupakan minat tu.
I like bio but only for my knowledge. I like to read that kind of books such as bio, history, geography only for my knowledge. Means hanya utk baca suka2 utk tahu benda yg tidak diketahui but not read utk perah otak utk digunakan waktu exam. That’s why, time exam jer, mmg problem sikit la. Sbb tu suka baca benda2 gitu time otak relaks…tak suka baca tgh gabra.
Math is my favorite subject because I like something challenging. TGh tgk tv pun, aku leh buat math..kiranya math ni aku blh buat bila2 masa. Sbb tu bab math, aku terer sikit la…hehehe
Masa belajar matriks dulu, sapa nak ambik Dr, oversea or local, kena interview dulu. Tu yg buat lagi lah malas nak ambik course tu. Paling tak suka kena interview. Tp skrg ni cam frust plak sbb tak ambik Dr…dakpelah..tk jadi Dr pun dakper…dpt tgk citer Dr pun oklah..
Sbb tu byk citer2 ala2 Dr ni aku suka. Cam ER, House, GA, Crossing Jordan, citer kelakar Scrub….
Ok back to GA. Dh lama sbnrnya I bought this CD. Season 4. For Season 1-2, I asked my friend to download for me. For Season 3, I only watched it kat tv. Season 4, I bought this cd at digital mall, PJ. The price if I’m not mistaken is only rm50-60. Already forget the exact figure. Season 5 I bought at the shop in the building next to kotaraya. But in this CD, there are only for the episode 1-10. 2 days I spend for watching these CDs. Hehehehe…sampai masa migraine ari tu, siap mimpi geng2 GA ni dtg rawatkan….hahahah. Can’t wait for the next episodes..
I like bio but only for my knowledge. I like to read that kind of books such as bio, history, geography only for my knowledge. Means hanya utk baca suka2 utk tahu benda yg tidak diketahui but not read utk perah otak utk digunakan waktu exam. That’s why, time exam jer, mmg problem sikit la. Sbb tu suka baca benda2 gitu time otak relaks…tak suka baca tgh gabra.
Math is my favorite subject because I like something challenging. TGh tgk tv pun, aku leh buat math..kiranya math ni aku blh buat bila2 masa. Sbb tu bab math, aku terer sikit la…hehehe
Masa belajar matriks dulu, sapa nak ambik Dr, oversea or local, kena interview dulu. Tu yg buat lagi lah malas nak ambik course tu. Paling tak suka kena interview. Tp skrg ni cam frust plak sbb tak ambik Dr…dakpelah..tk jadi Dr pun dakper…dpt tgk citer Dr pun oklah..
Sbb tu byk citer2 ala2 Dr ni aku suka. Cam ER, House, GA, Crossing Jordan, citer kelakar Scrub….
Ok back to GA. Dh lama sbnrnya I bought this CD. Season 4. For Season 1-2, I asked my friend to download for me. For Season 3, I only watched it kat tv. Season 4, I bought this cd at digital mall, PJ. The price if I’m not mistaken is only rm50-60. Already forget the exact figure. Season 5 I bought at the shop in the building next to kotaraya. But in this CD, there are only for the episode 1-10. 2 days I spend for watching these CDs. Hehehehe…sampai masa migraine ari tu, siap mimpi geng2 GA ni dtg rawatkan….hahahah. Can’t wait for the next episodes..
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